In other news, I had a long and pointless argument with whom I like to refer to as atheist-phobes. The same people that try to grasp at something to insult an atheist with but can't find anything so they resort to the idiotic and circular claim of: "Well atheism is like a religion anyway." At which point any atheist would say, "How is it like a religion exactly? That sounds like a ridiculous claim"
To which the ignorance that follows is along the lines of: "Well atheists believe in nothing. Nothing is still something. So you do believe in something."
Yea. Believe me, I wish I were making this shit up. But alas, this is what we have to deal with. Also a lot of "Well you believe in science, thats something."
No shit sherlock, we never claimed we don't believe. We believe in reason, fact, and evidence, which is the foundation of science and scientific research. Oh and by the way would people do their fucking research and stop equating the theory of evolution with an idea that has always remained and still is just an idea? It's not. This is the main problem with attaching theory to the front of Evolution-it acts as fuel for ignorance and mindless drones. A theory is different from a scientific theory. Any dumb ass idiot can come up with the former. The latter however, signifies that different variables of the theory have been tested multiple times on several occasions at various points of time by different researchers all coming up with the same results. This would equal, lets say it together kids, high validity and reliability. Yes.
But if you all are still anxious about the idea of believing in nothing, we can make it a religion! All we have to do is have some sort of bullshit book written by men (obviously, because women are incapable of thought according to mainstream religion, and we do want to be mainstream so we can poison the most amount of minds). Now this book would contain a series of rules, pornographic ancient stories, and ridiculous unproven claims of fairies and supernatural wonders that sound amazing and spiritual and such. Oh and the creator of this holy book (male, dont forget its a male) has to have a beard of some sort, but thats just common sense. Then we'll throw in some kind words like "Love thy neighbor" to get people hooked (except if that neighbor is homosexual or doesn't believe in nothing like you do-in this case, you should pity them, acknowledge that they will go to hell and burn, and then try to convert them. If this fails, kill them in the most sadistic way possible (thanks Islam for that little Gem). Also women have to be oppressed in some way! They cannot and should not have the same rights as men, and they must hold reproduction as their highest and only mission in life. Leave the difficult stuff like education and driving for men (thanks Saudi Arabia for that tidbit). And finally and most importantly, anything (including facts and evidence) that contradicts what our religion (of believing in nothing) ultimately claims or represents, then you must assume that it is not true (ahhemm Christianity) or convince yourself that it has already been told by your religion's holy book (lets just call it the big book of believing in nothing) so just pay someone a lot of money to write a book that claims that it does and potentially ruin and infect millions upon millions of innocent minds so they too can believe (ahhemm Islam). So yay!! We made it a religion! Oh and also scatter some random bits of sodomy, rape, abuse, and violence throughout! Want to join now?
What's the moral of this then?:
Read a book of science will ya???
And NO! Not the Koran!
Im off now. Night.
Todays Tea: Jade snow with mint and thyme.
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