Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Reasonably Happier

What is an indication that in the future atheism will spread like wildfire? Atheists are happier! National research study examining subjective well being (SWB) in 55 nations found that the top five happiest nations in the world are: Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Iceland, and the Bahamas. With numbers 6 and 7 being of course: Finland and Sweden. Is it not fascinating that in most of these countries (namely Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden), the majority of the civilian population (I am talking 80% or more) are atheist/agnostic. Hmmm.....could there be a correlation? Now I spoke to my professor about this one inherent glaring conclusion that seemed to have been skimmed over by the researchers (to those interested the article is called "Factors predicting the SWB of nations" and its by Diener and colleagues (1995). Anyway what my professor told me (the annoying one) was that it does not have much to do with religion but simply that these nations give the freedom to choose to be religious or not (in other words, freedom of religion). And that would make sense if countries (which also give that right) such as the US weren't so far down the list (but this is probably a bad example considering the amount of factors varying that predict happiness-read the article to know what I mean). What also occurred to me is the fact that when people living in wealthy, liberal, SECULAR nations such Denmark are given the guaranteed opportunity to choose to be religious or not, the substantial and significant majority choose to NOT be religious, and are as a result, significantly happier than other nations for that choice. Hmmm.....really makes you think dont it?

Men who stare at goats was unbelievably funny. There were some parts where I could not even hear the rest of the dialogue because I was laughing so hard. I HIGHLY recommend it. What makes it even more perfect and definitely buy-able, is the fact the story and corporation that is highlighted is TRUE! It actually happened, and was a real ongoing project of the US military. SO good.

Never Let Me Go is next on my list (trailer----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXiRZhDEo8A). Looks amazing, but I would really like to watch it with somebody, but will most likely end up watching it one night on the computer before bed, because literally no one I know is both accessible AND interested in the same movies as me :S But I don't mind I suppose.

I'm running a few participants tomorrow before my science of well-being class, and I swear I am dreading it. Not the research but the class. I HATE the prof. She's SO fucking annoying, monotone, unattractively burly, and not engaging AT ALL. I have been in University long enough to know that the professor of a course makes the course. A great prof can make an unbearable course enjoyable, and a bad uninteresting prof can make a potentially spectacularly interesting course excruciatingly painful. And I am telling you she has really made my top 2 worse profs I have ever had. So I have really come to dread wednesdays.

Off to bed.
Todays Tea: Yerba Mate with peppermint, stinging nettle, liquorice root, elderflower blossoms, rose hip peal, and lime blossoms.
Yerba Mate is an amazing herb with more antioxidants than green tea, it boosts your immune system, and speeds your metabolism. So get on that :)


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