Thursday, 3 March 2011

Restlessness Before Sleep

I don't know how I am going to get through these last two months of school AND finish this experiment for my supervisor. I still have 90 participants to run, and at an hour a piece, I'll probably have to work into the summer which is going to suck! I can't wait to see my paycheck for all this research and time I've spent at school, because considering all the places I want to travel before Grad school, I'm going to need a lot of money...

Even more frustrating is the fact that I have not been able to read for pleasure since this semester started. It feels like reading week just began and yet I am 8 chapters and 3 articles behind in my work!! So even when I do have time to read, it HAS to be school related, and not any one of the 26 books collecting dust in my closet, waiting for me to open their beautiful, lovingly bound pages. Oh well.

And I am happy to say I had my first few comment on one of my entries! A wonderfully exuberant person amazingly expressing their rightful opinions and thoughts, something I always love to see. The thrill of the argument, and the unfolding of opinions, stories, ect..for individuals to understand one another with an open mind and a soft heart. And it struck me that I haven't made good on my promise to regale this lonely blog with my findings after reading the Koran. As I anticipated, I found things both good and bad within its pages. Generally, the bad I found to be really disconcerting, and the good I found to be contradicted by the bad. Now I am purposely NOT being specific here because I did not want to rant and lose my objectivity, or make anyone upset, angry or uncomfortable. This is the very LAST thing that I want to do. So instead, I invite all the randoms who happen to stumble upon this blog to take out a copy of the Koran and read it. Just read it. Both Muslims and Non-Muslims, but especially Muslims. Do not assume that you know it because you studied in school, read it yourself. From beginning to end, and make up your own mind. I think there is nothing more beautiful than educating oneself and completely immersing yourself in books, so please do.

In more worldly news, Gadhafi seems to have lost complete control over most cities of Libya. Now he holds tightly and pathetically onto power in Tripoli. People are hypothesizing he will be history in weeks, if not days so yay!! For the time being however, my heart goes out to the people of Libya, wholly and completely. Today I heard one mothers grim tale of the happenings in Tripoli and the fear and sadness in her voice was almost deafening. It was hard to listen to. What really struck a cord with me is how strong she was. She mentioned that most often she felt as if she were going insane, but she made sure to knock herself out of it, and tell herself, "Be strong. This is your freedom you're fighting for, and it's not going to come easily." We saw this in Egypt as well: People willing to die for their freedom. Beautiful. I hope, I hope, I hope only the best for countries in the Middle East. They NEED freedom from oppression, they need democracy, they need a secular and HONEST government, and above all they NEED education. This is the most precious gift that can be given to these people. Education. Indeed, I hope all these needs are fulfilled, and that in the end, peace and love are victorious over hate, radicalism, dictatorship, and corruption.
I hope.

Time for bed.

Todays Tea: Honey Lemon.

Peace, Love, and Understanding. 

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