Monday 14 March 2011


A piece I finished while I should have been working on my paper:

I awoke in a burst of fiery
sparks engulfed my very skin
I had been living life but just barely
equating faith with fitting in

I never thought as others thought
so I kept quiet and said not one thing
stars above are what I truly sought
not some god who made everything

For months, I read about the skies
each word glued itself to me
finally I embraced their webs of lies
I wanted deeply to make them see

But when I told them what I had found
they all laughed and called it a phase
and pretty soon, I won't mind the sound
for reason showed the holes in their case

All their beliefs stem from grief and fear
but they will kill to silence this voice
science and reason, they will not hear
since their religion gives no choice

Consider the question of wrong and right
is religion needed to distinguish the two?
to tell you not to kill, steal, or fight?
of course not, for morality lives within you

Now you know how science saved my life
when I felt alone and didn't know what to do
not god, but love of reason healed my strife
imagine no religion and it can heal you too

because lets face it, "faith: is not wanting to know what is true" 

Todays Tea: Jade Snow with mint leaves

Until later...

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